Sky TV, fingers in many pies
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Many of us know that Sky TV have may other business ventures to supplement their TV revenue streams, with such a broad advertising platform, they would be stupid to not canvass their own products.When Sky started in the 90’s they simply provided a service for people to watch a few extra channels than terrestrial TV. Then with the injection of some competition in the UK TV platform market with the then Telewest then NTL now Virgin Media it encouraged Sky to step up their game and it soon became the market leader and now it is an institution.
The competition made Sky invest heavily in quality broadcasting from it’s own grassroots and other worldwide sources and launched it’s own channels like Sky 1 and Sky news.
Once these channels where cemented in to the everyday lives of the Sky TV viewers Sky could then begin canvassing their own products to the current audience, it is a clever business model, invest in quality programming to get a massive loyal audience, then promote your own products to them for further revenue.
But the good thing about Sky is that they have kept their prices affordable to everyone, this is probably due to the revenue generated from other sources.
I wonder what is next on the cards for Sky TV?
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