Experiences with Sky HD
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With the mush anticipated release of Sky HD programming there has been a notably massive shift in the amount of people who have the opportunity to view HD programmes.Its not a coincidence that sales of HD ready plasma and LCD TV’s have increased rapidly since the introduction of the Sky HD service, as people always want to be a the cutting edge of technology. I think it’s great that Sky have released HD programming at the same time as the flat screen TV industry began slashing prices of the sets so that almost anyone can afford them.
The question is, do sky have to wait for people to get a HD ready TV before they provide them with the appropriate hardware? I think not.
No is time to get a HD box whether you have a HD ready television or not as the Sky HD digibox is relatively affordable and as soon as you get your HD television you are ready to go.
The truth is, it really doesn’t matter in what order you get your HD ready TV and you Sky HD box in, but the days of the standard Sky + box are numbered as is any aging technology, lets face it any electronics over a year old these days becomes old fashioned.
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