Sky signal, going strong
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When you think about how Sky send the transmission to your Sky dish, it makes us wonder how on earth the technology works.Sky send a broad signal, showering the UK in audio, video and data that anyone can pick up with a Sky dish, luckily the signal’s source is above Uganda in Africa of all places so it passes much of Europe as it makes it way to the UK.
So you guys in Europe are lucky that you can intercept the signal before it reaches the UK and watch quality UK TV, because the signal is strongest in the UK, European viewers generally need a larger dish size to pick up Sky TV.
You can find out what dish size you need by looking at the Project what-dish-size tool on the <a href="http://www viagra achat”>Sky Cards homepage, where viewers who already watch Sky TV in Europe have shared their dish size in order that new prospective viewers of Sky TV in Europe to find out what dish size they need.
Sky Cards would like to thank all the participants so far who have submitted their dish size, and we now have a good coverage all over Europe, but we still need more contributions, so keep sharing.
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